For the Love of Running (Part 1)


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For the Love of Running (Part 1)

May 4, 2017

A few weeks ago, I was asked “the question” again. “How do I make myself like running?” While I don’t get asked this question all the time, I’ve been asked it enough times to know that it’s a burning question for a lot of runners or would-be runners. The running community is very diverse, and while there are plenty of us out there who run purely for love of running, I would say there’s also a good portion that run for health or fitness, which is an equally noble reason… perhaps even more noble considering the commitment it takes to run when you’re not really enjoying yourself. This time, the question really got me thinking. How does someone learn to love running? Is it really possible to make yourself love anything? My Confession I’m going to reveal a deep, dark, somewhat embarrassing secret to you right now. I LOVE to listen to the Les Misérables soundtrack while I run. I have my normal running playlist that’s fairly mainstream, but Les Mis makes it into the rotation about once a week. I am a musical theater lover. I’m not a connoisseur or anything… just an amateur fan. I’m the one whose face looked like a kid at Disney World when I saw The Lion King live for the first time. If I’m being completely honest, I think I probably look like that at every musical theater production I’ve ever been to. I just love it. Les Misérables is one of my favorite movies. Some of you are probably judging my whole life based on that statement, but I can’t help myself. It just makes you feel. And I like to feel. Feeling is, I would argue, what connects us to something or someone. Listening to the soundtrack connects me to the deep emotion in the movie, and feeling those deep emotions while I run somehow connects me to running. In fact, I would further argue that, to learn to love running, we have to learn to connect with running emotionally. And just like connecting with a person, it has to go deeper than surface-level. My Goal My goal over the next couple weeks is to get you to connect with running mentally and emotionally and not just physically. I think the reason I get asked so often how to like or love running is that most people realize consciously or subconsciously that the running battle, just like many other life battles, is won or lost in their mind. We’ve all heard the phrase, “mind over matter”. The gist of its meaning is that what goes on in our minds can be just as powerful (if not more so) than what goes on in the physical realm… or in our bodies. This is so true of running and of the “mental game” that so many runners talk about. I think every runner has had that moment where their body literally has nothing left to give. If you’ve been there, you know that in that moment, your mind still has a part to play. Your mind can either agree with your body and you can phone it in, or your mind can make a choice. It can decide to put one foot in front of the other and take you somewhere that your body didn’t even know was possible! This applies to running a race, but it also applies to the day in and day out of life as a runner. Some of you are here because you are trying to make some positive change in your life. You’re new to running or you’re just getting back into it, or you’ve run for a while and you just want to take your running to the next level. Whatever your reason for being here, I think you can agree with me that unless you’re mentally and emotionally invested in this journey, you’re not going to make it as far as you want to… whether you’re training for a half marathon or just wanting to become a more consistent and stronger runner. Your Homework Ask yourself this question this week: Why do I run? Don’t be satisfied with your first answer! If your answer is as simple as “to stay in shape”, then ask yourself why it’s so important to you to stay in shape. Whatever the answer is to that question, keep asking why until you get to the very root of why you run. Go deep enough that the next time you’re out on a run, you have something to call to mind that truly and deeply motivates you. A lot of you probably already knew subconsciously what your motivation was, but had just never put it into words. Naming what it is that motivates us can be very powerful! Wanna hear mine? Me: Why do you run? Myself: Because I know I need to exercise and it’s my favorite way to stay in shape. Me: Why do you need to exercise and why is it your favorite? Myself: I need to exercise to be strong to take care of my kids and do all the other things I want to do in life, and it’s my favorite because it gives me un-interrupted “me” time and a sense of accomplishment and I just like it. Wow… pretty simple, but I love running more already just hearing myself put it into words! Running really IS all those things to me and a lot more! Next week we’ll talk more about connecting with running. But for now, let me know: What connects you to running? Why do you run?